Many people know I obtained my first Bachelor of Arts Degree in Integrated Marketing Communications with two minors, Spanish and Creative Writing. I went to UNC Wilmington where I not only learned the ins and outs of successful marketing communication and strategy, but also how to surf, play ultimate frisbee, and run Track and Field. I thought I knew exactly where I wanted to go in my professional life (at 21, we all know who we are going to be and what we will do, right? *wink*
After graduating a semester early in 2011, I moved to Charlotte where I tried to find my footing in the corporate world with my first ever job with an impressive pay check. I was a data analyst, far from anything I studied in college, but it allowed me to move to a new city, pay my bills, and explore different interests and learn more about myself. I also moved closer to a big group of friends I made in college, so I still was able to go out at nights, live the solo life, and have fun!
But this didn’t last long. Soon I found a strong desire to try something else. My day-to-day became a blur and my fulfillment meter was crashing low. My heart was somewhere else, and I knew I needed to make moves to pursue something else…
My mom’s story is a beautiful one that often wows people. To keep it short and sweet (and to encourage you to meet her and ask her to tell it), I will start off by saying she worked with the deaf and hard of hearing for over 25 years as a speech pathologist and itinerate teacher. She was fluent in sign language, a form called Pigeon, a mix between solid ASL and Signed English. In 2010, she was diagnosed with MELAS (Mitochondrial Disease). After multiple stroke-like episodes and seizures, she developed Aphasia as well as lost a great deal of her ability to hear. To communicate with people for a while, she had to write things down… or sign. I knew basic signs at the time but I was frustrated with my self for not learning more. I knew in order to keep communicating fluidly with my mom, I needed to learn ASL.
After she got better and a few years passed, I found myself in NC. But being in NC while my mom was in MD struggling with a new diagnosis and progressive hearing loss, I was having a hard time being so far away. I wanted to be closer, and I wanted to find a way to communicate with her better. My mom is and has always been my best friend, biggest cheerleader, and rock in every tough situation. I felt a strong pull to step away from my good-paying job at the time and pursue another opportunity that would allow me to be closer to family and study ASL so I could communicate with her better.
I knew I didn’t want to half-ass it either. I wanted to be fluent. I wanted to be able to communicate with her and to understand the intricacies of the Deaf/HoH world from the view of an ally.
Growing up in central Maryland, I had a huge advantage, being close to a number of educational facilities that offered at LEAST basic ASL education for hearing people. I lived ten minutes from Maryland School for the Deaf, a strong foundation in the local D/deaf community. The area is home to a strong and thriving D/deaf community that was flourishing with a rich culture and impact on the people in the town. I started attending meetups with members of the D/deaf community at a local coffee shop where I would sit awkwardly and try to sign my name. I watched most people around me signing and conversing about their day and describing themselves to new attendees. I didn’t know hardly any signs, but I wanted to immerse myself in the community and culture first and foremost. I knew I needed to learn OUTSIDE the classroom and respect the culture first before I started learning their language.
After a few meetups, I started making friends and they helped me learn a few different signs each meeting. By the end of a few months, I learned a few sentences and was able to communicate at the most basic level. Next, I needed to find a classroom to learn.
First, I’ve gotten questions from people who are interested in learning ASL where they should get their “degree” but know there are a number of options out there! For me, it was important for me to look into becoming an interpreter for a potential career shift, as I had seen my mom struggle to find interpreters in her medical journey and I wanted to be a part of that solution.
I started off obtaining my ASL Certificate (required as a pre-req for interpreter education). I finished this out at Frederick Community College in Maryland. Once I obtained this, I moved towards becoming an interpreter by enrolling in the program at The Community College in Baltimore County (CCBC). Finally, to reach graduation with a BS in ASL-Interpretation, I completed the last semester thorough an online program through Williams Woods in MO and a local internship in Frederick. This took four years total and a large sum of my savings. But it was worth it to receive my second degree in 2018.
There are multiple routes you can take. A few include…
While I am not currently interpreting, I still use ASL everyday. I love to use it while listening to music. I use it to communicate with my mom and a few of my friends from back home. I teach it to my nephews who are learning to communicate with their Nonni (my mom). I also interpret for family/friends at personal events.
I am so thankful I took this route. It opened so many doors, like being able to communicate with my mom. I gained some of the most influential friendships of my life. This opportunity was one I knew I needed to grasp when I could. Curious about creating your own opportunities? Read my blog post, Stop Waiting! Start Creating Your Own Opportunities!
Interested in learning more about ASL and how you can learn more? Send me a message! I’d love to chat!